Thursday, September 3, 2015

When it Happens Once it's Tradition!

Coming up with a topic to write for a passion blog was very difficult for me. There is a lot I care about but I could not think of one topic that screamed WRITE ABOUT ME! As I started thinking more and more about what I could write about it dawned on me the things I care most about revolve around family, friends, my swim team and my religion. However the overarching theme that ties all of these topics and many others that I care about together is tradition. My dad has always said once something happens once it becomes a tradition to me. This is actually quite true and may become somewhat of a tagline for my blog. So for this blog post I'm going to break the rule a bit and just focus on one topic. Once I thought of the topic of tradition I knew it was right for my passion blog as I am a huge proponent for tradition. At this point I know if I chose another topic I would regret it and would just be thinking about what I could have written in my tradition blog.

As for a name for this blog I'm not sure yet but I may try to tie in something from the song "Tradition" from Fiddler on the Roof.

In my tradition blog I plan to focus on a variety of different aspects of tradition. Depending on the week I will try to focus on a holiday coming up and my traditions involving it. However if there is no holiday coming up I may talk about another tradition not quite related to that time and maybe not even to an exact time. Since I'm Jewish several of the posts will involve the Jewish holidays but I also celebrate Christmas which I will be sure to explain why when that time of the year approaches. Depending on the week and how much I have to say I may also interview some friends to find out what their traditions are and how they relate to mine since everyone can celebrate the same holiday in drastically different ways. I also plan to focus on how tradition evolves and how it has evolved for me as circumstances in my life have changed. Tradition keeps cultures together and I cannot wait to reflect on my traditions and explore others in more depth than I ever have. Hopefully readers will share their own traditions from different holidays or events expressed in future posts!

Signing off for now,


  1. The idea of tradition is very relatable for many people, which will help you to draw in your readers. I also like this idea because it allows you to share experiences and traditions that other people do not know about or celebrate. Especially when it comes time for the holidays it will be interesting to see your perspective and what traditions you celebrate, as they may differ from others. Great idea!

  2. The idea of tradition is very relatable for many people, which will help you to draw in your readers. I also like this idea because it allows you to share experiences and traditions that other people do not know about or celebrate. Especially when it comes time for the holidays it will be interesting to see your perspective and what traditions you celebrate, as they may differ from others. Great idea!

  3. The college environment that we are just coming into is exposing us all to many different cultures and traditions. You would have no lack of finding interesting people to interview as long as they would agree to help. This is an interesting topic since so many people are ignorant of anyone but there own traditions and culture, unfortunately including myself. I look forward to being exposed to some new traditions.

  4. I sense a lot of fun stories coming on! I know at least for myself, for every tradition and holiday comes a new story. The relationship of traditions is also a cool idea, might be a little messy with all the wires connecting in different places and in different ways, but non-the-less interesting. I'm glad you were able to hone in on this idea, because in more ways than one you could talk about your other ideas too. Can't wait!

  5. I love how you included your dad's quote about tradition! As for your blog idea, I'm excited to read it and think it's a great idea. Every family has so many interesting stories from the holidays. Not to mention, it's great to hear about different traditions and view things from a different angle.

  6. I love this idea! It will be cool to hear about how your traditions differ from mine, particularly for a new perspective. Incorporating commonplaces could be an interesting twist, maybe you could even challenge traditions you don't agree with. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  7. This topic is ripe, Laura, and I sense that its success will hinge on not only expressing your traditions in a vivid and memorable fashion, but also teasing out the universal themes behind tradition -- community, expectation, bonding, comfort of familiar repetition -- that are universal to us as humans, even if we don't share the same traditions.

    Good luck! This sounds like an interesting approach.
